Given the latest news and developments around coronavirus (Covid-19) worldwide and in Sweden, as well as the indications by the Swedish Public Health Agency to ban all public indoor gatherings, with a heavy heart we have to announce that the fifth annual Data Innovation Summit will not take place from 19.03 – 20.03.2020 as originally planned. In discussion with the partners, suppliers, sponsors and speakers the new dates will be from 20.08 to 21.08.2020.

For the past three weeks, our team has been working tirelessly to make sure that all directives, comprehensive measures and recommendations by the health authorities are followed and taken in practice to ensure the health and safety of our participants.

Unfortunately, today with only hours, if not minutes or seconds, before a total ban of indoor gatherings in Sweden, the fact that the cases of infected is growing rapidly in the country and the new risk assessment of public contamination in Sweden to very high, we are at a point where we no longer have any control over the probability of execution of the event, neither would like to risk the safety of our delegates, staff and those nearest to them.

Given the facts in hand, the uncertainty of what to expect in the next days, the event organising committee together with the Co-Host Partner, the Powered-By Partner and all other partners and speakers involved in the realisation of this event, have unanimously taken the decision to move the event to the new dates in August, where we at least have the chance to execute the event as fully intended. This also gives us the opportunity to prevent any financial loss to any party caused by forced shut down of the event by health and governmental authorities.

The entire program with all of its speakers, sessions, timings, areas and formats will remain the same. The venue still remains the same. The only new thing are the dates. Your ticket will be transferred automatically to the new date. No additional charges or refunds will be applicable. All companies that have lost their ticket because of travel bans and restrictions in the past 10-15 days will still be able to use their ticket on the new dates. We will work even harder to improve the program more and add extra features and exciting surprises to make it up for you for this unforeseeable “black swan” inconvenience.

If any questions please contact us on hello@datainnovationsummit.com.

Thank you for your understanding and your support in this troublesome times. You mean a ton to us. 

We look forward to seeing you in August.

Goran Cvetanovski,
CEO, Hyperight

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