We would like to inform you that after careful consideration and in discussion with our partners and speakers, we have decided that the 2020 Edition of the Data Innovation Summit will be fully (100%) Online. 

As the COVID 19 situation has developed, we have constantly reviewed the best way to deliver the event that is in the foremost interest of the delegates’ health and safety, and prepared accordingly for the possible scenarios ahead. There was great hope among the organising committee of the event that by now the situation would improve, that the recommendations  will change to positive, and the borders will open. Sadly enough, that is not the case and we don’t see the same changing in the near future. For that reason, we are transforming the Summit into a format that is fully online for this year, and it will remain to be known as the Online Data Innovation Summit

The entire program will be streamed:

  • LIVE through the event platform Agorify (you should already have access to it) between 18th to 21st of August 2020


The online program is an exact digital twin of the planned onsite program. Just like the physical event would, the online event will still provide you with the opportunity to create your agenda, visit all the sessions across all the stages and areas, comment or ask questions, vote, take notes, connect and network with the participants, create discussions or join some, have one-to-one meetings, and much more. 


Our ambition has always been to be the most influential Data, Analytics and AI industry event in the Nordics and beyond.  An event where the most innovative Data, Analytics and AI projects and technologies across the globe are presented and one that serves as a benchmarking podium between strategies, practitioners, companies, industries, countries and regions. To be able to achieve this, the focus needs to be on the content, not on the format. 

To some extent, the physical format was limiting our ambition as we could only grow the event and add as many case-studies as the format would allow. 

As this year we are moving the event to be fully online, we no longer have such boundaries. We can add more content and we can provide the opportunity for more delegates to join, delegates (your peers) that usually could not make the trip to attend the event. 

Since March, we have been forging new relationships globally, searched for new case studies across regions and sectors and managed to bring a unique set of case studies curated for the purpose of the event. Two weeks ago, we started loading that new content into the Agenda and the Agorify platform, and we will continue to do so until the start of the event. In the new program, you will find new exciting presentations never heard before, listed under extra new tracks, days, etc. 

We founded Hyperight and Data Innovation Summit thinking “how we can provide the biggest content platform value on the market for 10% of the price charged by the biggest events out there”. Since March the team has been tirelessly working to add more value to the event and outside of it and provide support and value to the delegates, to those who lost their jobs and the entire data community. With this new content added, we can proudly say that we are firmly standing to that thinking. 

This year’s edition of the event was special for us and we were truly looking forward to celebrating it with you in Stockholm. We are truly sad that we cannot meet this August in person, but we are confident that you will see beyond the format this year and embrace the added value of the amazing content we have prepared for you.

With this said, we hope that you are excited as much as we are and we look forward to seeing you online in August.

Goran Cvetanovski
CEO, Hyperight

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