If the only thing that your Analytics project delivers is insight, you have failed” – these were the words of one of Teradata’s Senior Directors, Martin Willcox, currently EMEA VP of Technology, who in 2017 opened what now has become the biggest and most influential Data event in the Nordics, the Data Innovation Summit. From its very first beginnings, the core and main focus of the event was Analytics, an in-demand industry that is shaping the business landscape, and as such shows no signs of slowing. 

In 2017 Martin highlighted the importance of discovery, truth and utility in analytics, as well as the role of “multi-genre analytics” in constructing a robust analytic pipeline. It was clear back then that data analytics would be the driving force for digital transformation efforts around the world. 

In March 2020, Martin returns to provide the opening Keynote of the 2020 and 5th celebrate edition of the event, touching upon getting analytics out of the lab and into production, as enterprises now have developed the road of digital transformation, and the collective understanding and use of data analytics has reached new business levels, all according to the requirements of the company using it. 

The constant improvements in technological applications have allowed for more opportunities to develop automated systems, such as ubiquitous Machine Learning. However, although commentators agree that we are on the cusp of an era of ubiquitous Machine Learning – yet many organisations still struggle to get analytics out of the lab and into production. In this presentation, Martin will discuss the vertical and horizontal scaling of Machine Learning,  key considerations in the effective operationalisation of Machine Learning and will take the long view of digitisation to try and understand what will have to happen for ubiquitous Machine Learning to realise its full potential.

Teradata is the world’s leading provider of pervasive data intelligence, data and analytics solutions, as well as hybrid cloud products, and it has been a partner of the event for the past 4 years, since its first edition. 

Join Martin and fellow data attendees in Stockholm to cultivate the advanced idea and practise of data-driven enterprises that breed game-changing innovation. To learn more about Martin and his exciting keynote presentation, click here: https://datainnovationsummit.com/#speakers  

In case you haven’t registered yet, you are only one click away: https://datainnovationsummit.com/tickets2020/  

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